Thursday 3 June 2010


The lynx is very shy, but it's a pretty common animal in Sweden.
It looks like a big cat, but the lynx has got tufts on their ears.
It doesn't happen that often that a human meet a lynx.
The lynx fur is beige with brown spots, and on the stomach it's white.
The lynx tail is short and it's black.
It often lives in our mountain/forest regions.
On the winter the lynx eats rabbits and roedeers, and on the summer it eats birds and small rodents.
Because of their tufts on their ears, they can hear better. They have the best hearing of all cat-animals.

by: Emelie, Elsa, Jacob B, Daniel T and Nathalie B

Wolf by Ellen, Gustav, Paula and Victor T-L


Wolfs has a dog look.
The wolfs weight is about 45-50 kg.
Height at the withers is about 80-90 cm.
It is greyish-yellow, white and dark on the back. 2008 there was about 250 wolfs in skandinavia.
Wolfs eat venison, moose, beever, badger and grouse. When the wolf is about 8-10 weeks old they get to move more freely. A wolfpack consists of one female and one male and theirs puppies. It`s usually the case that the puppies leaves their parents when they are about one or two years old, but sometimes the puppies can stay one more year.

Common seal

  The Common seal has a smooth body with two backfins and two little fins like arms . They have a nose they can close. They live in nordic and middle seas. They are about ten to fifteen thousend seals in the Swedish oceans. They live near stones and reefs, and far away from land.

They eat almost only fish, they eat about four kg of fish per day. They eat these fishes: cod, herring and sand-eel. The special with the Common seal is that they can dive down to twohundred meters.

/ By Jacob S, Daniel L, Harald and Robin.


Wolverine is a predator. It looks like a small bear with a big tail. The wolverine deliver their babies in the snow. They often get 2-3 babies and they mate between april and june.
The wolverine can run up to six miles without rest. It can live until they are about 12 years in the wild but in a zoo they can live until they are about 17 years old.
The wolverine is 70-85 centimetres long, a male weighs 18 kilograms and a female weighs 13 kilograms.
In Latin the wolverine is called Gulo gulo.

By: Olivia, Dani, Fredrik and Alexander

Otter on Skansen

The otter has a long and rough body. The otter has web on their toes and they lives in water.
You can find the otter in Skandinavia. It does'nt say how many otters there are in Sweden but we know that the otters became sacred in Sweden in 1968.
The otters is a mustelid and are related to the wolverine and the badger.
The otter is very shy and can hide very well. The otters can be six years old in the wild but they can be up to 15 years old on a Zoo!
By: Amelia, Carolina, Niklas and Lucas

Wild Boars

Wild boar
The wild boar eats roots, plants, acorns and potatoes but also snails, worms and insects. The wild boar is an omnivorous.
The wild boars fur is completely black-brown when it’s adult. But when it’s a kid, it’s like orange with black-brown stripes on the back and a white stomach.
The wild boar live in a forest-environment.
The wild boar live in the southern Sweden.
The wild boar search in the soil after roots.

By: My, Jakob H-H, Christopher and Rebecca

Grey Seals

The Grey Seal is the largest seal in  Sweden. The male weighs 220 kilo and the female weighs 120 kilo.
The Grey Seal can be under water in 30 minutes and dive to 200 meters deep.
The Grey Seals eat fish, the fur is greay and brown and the fin look like someone has divided it into two.
The Grey Seals must be in the water but it lives on land to. The Grey Seal live almost everywere in Sweden.

Written by Nathalie k
pictures by Vikor S, Lucas and Linn.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Me and my friends take the bike to our soccer training, when it's winter we take the bus.

When i take a shower i always turn of the water when i wash my hair.

//Daniel T

Tuesday 1 June 2010


I airdry my clothes in a drying cupboard instead of drying them in the dryer

Instead of taking a long shower I just shower for four minutes.


Instead of taking standby-mode I turn off the DVD-player.
Instead of taking a bath I take a short shower, that saves a lot of water.

In my family we have a sailboat, and that's better for the environment instead of a motorboat.

When I and my friends are going somewhere we often take the bike instead of the car, and if we are going to go shopping we are taking the bus instead of the car which is better for the environment.

At Skansen you can find different kind of waste-bins like: plastic waste, battery waste and more. On this picture; Carolina throws some paper.

By: Rebecca

By My

I have curtains in front of my windows to keep it warm.

I give away my old clotes to other people.
I let my clotes wind dry.

I turn the light of in the rooms I don´t use.

I go to school every morning.

I boil my water in my kettle before I start to cook.
I fill my dishwasher completly.

Jakob and Alex

Jakob is doing his homework instead of watching TV. He saves energy.
Alex takes the kickbike to the school instead of going by car.

Water by Nathalie Kalldal

While I brush my theeth, I turn of the water so I do no waste.

We have a soda streamer so we dont have to by bottles.

During the day I usually take my plug out of my tape recorder

// Nathalie Kalldal


My family have done much for the environment this year, we have remade our kitchen so now we only have things thats good for the environment.

On the picture there is ecological milk.

We have also replaced all our lamps with low energy lamps.

Before I leave for school I am turning off all the lamps and try to put out as many electrical things a possible.

I'm always trying to walk to school but it's not always that easy because i often hit the snooze button.

I always take out the thrash so that we wont have a pile of thrash at home.