Monday 29 March 2010

Gustav, Linn, Jacob B and Nathalie B

You can give your old things away to friends or make new things, so the clothes reuses. Here are some things we have done for our environment. Hope you learn something!

My family joined Earth hour. Earth hour is good for the environment because your saving a lot of energy. This is a picture from Earth hour.

I drink ecological milk when I eat dinner. This a picture of ecological milk.
I have given my clothes away to save on the earth resources.

You can take the bus instead of the car, because the pollution is less then when you use your car.

I have put my furniture away from the radiator, so the heat spreads better.

I made a cloth of my old shirt that I was about to throw away. That way I dont have to buy a new one, and that saves on the worlds resource. This was before...

And this was after...

If you pull down your curtain when your going to sleep, then you´re saving energy. The heat will stay in your room, and then it doesn´t use so much energy.

In my district we sort our junk. Its good for the environment.

By: Nathalie B Gustav Linn and Jacob B

Thursday 25 March 2010

Earth hour-Sweden

This friday, in our school, we will have an Earth Hour of our own. Everyone in the school will turn off the lights from 8.10 am to 9.10 am.

Here is a video from Earth Hour at Skansen (Skansen is a zoo in Stockholm with only swedish animals) from last year: http:/

And here is a second video when they turn the lights off on the DN-buliding: http:/

Translation from picture:
"Släcker du?" - Are you gonna dim the li

We hope that you, our friends in South Africa, will also turn the lights off from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm on this Saturday, march 27.

We´re turning the lights off this friday at school.
Written by: Rebecca, Amelia, Viktor S

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Saving water at home.

After our home water audits, this is what we learnt:

Brogan 5p
We water our grass too long so we are going to water our grass a shorter period of time.

Paul 4s
At home our water use is not that good. We tend to over use water and I am trying to stop that so it is a lot better than usual.

Anke.F 6L
We save quite a lot of water in my home.
We must try to save a little bit more water where we can.
We can do that by checking if the toilet tank is leaking and by cleaning the driveway with a broom, not with a hosepipe. We will save even more water!

Brenton 5F: I have a constantly dripping in my shower. We are going to call a plumber to come and fix it. We can also have short shower’s instead of each having a long bath.

Gabi 4E
At my house we don’t us a lot of water and that means we don’t waste a lot of water.
When you run a both run hot water first and then cold water by doing this you and your family can save a lot of water.
Madiba 6V
At home, my family and I tend to over use water and we have been trying to use less water.

Michaela O 5F
ª I could check if my toilet tank leaks at least twice a year.
ª My family could have short showers instead of full baths.
ª We can switch off the tap when we are busy brushing our teeth.

ª Nicole 6L
ª Hi every one
ª We had lots of fun with our home water audits and I
ª Learnt that my family uses way too much water. We have a few water saving tips for you to use if there has been no rain water your plants or grass early in the morning or late at night and check your toilet tanks at least twice a year.

ª Ruth 6v
ª We save a lot of water at my home.
ª We must just check our tanks once a year in case there is a leak! Then we will save a lot of water!

Xandria 5T
v We check our toilet tanks and taps for water leaks

Caragh 5P
I have learnt that if you leave a tap on to long it will waste about 3.2L of water so I am going to turn off all taps when brushing my teeth.
Richard 4E
I will make sure my whole family will recycles and does not waste tub water .

Tyler 6H
We don’t waste a lot of water at home because we don’t use a lot of water.
You should put a brick in the toilet tank because the brick takes up water space.
Put food colouring in the toilet tank .If the food colouring is seen in the bowl without flushing there’s a leak.

Don’t let the taps, baths and showers run for too long and take short showers.

Kirsten 5P
We are going to try to fix our toilet leaks.

Wanya 4N
I think we could have saved a lot of water by lowering our water level in the bath. We also could have saved a lot of water if each person has a shorter showering time.

Nikkita.D.M 5N
We must check to see if any taps are leaking .

Mikayla K 4N

At home before we water our plants we must check our hosepipe for leaks.

Mareli Gr 5

Try to close taps that are open.
We can save many litres of water if we just close a tap.

Laura 6M
We fix our toilet tanks and leaky taps if not working
Everyone in our family switches off the tap while brushing their teeth
Everyone showers less than 5 minutes in our family
The average depth of our bathwater is ½ full
When we wash the dishes we leave the tap off when the water is not needed
Our dishwashing and laundry loads are full
Our lawns are only watered in the morning so we save water and are only water when needed
We only have low-water use plants in our garden
We clean our driveway with a broom and garden hose
We wash our cars with a garden hose with a nozzle turned on and off

Ashley 4D

You can save water by:
· Having a short shower
· Having not such a full bath
· Not water or sprinkle the plants at midday, try to water at the coolest time of day
· Also don’t water them after it has rained

Anke 5T
· Check if water is dripping out of taps and if it is please close it or fix it. This is going to help save 100s of litres.

· Natalie 5N
· My family is going to turn off taps while brushing teeth.
· We are going to take shorter showers or take a shallow bath.
· We are wasting water at some places.

Mrs Louw
At school we are wasting water by:
1. Having a leaking toilet in the girl’s bathroom, it is running all the time.
2. Our sprinklers are watering the grass even when it is a rainy day.
3. The sprinklers outside C block are switched on during the hottest part of the day, instead of early in the morning.
4. The plants between B and C block are not indigenous and so they use much more water to keep them alive.
5. There is bad soil erosion because of the rainwater running down the hill between B and C block.
6. Children often don’t close the taps after they have washed their hands, causing so much water to be wasted.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Emelie and Paula - Vibyskolan

Paula has switched of the light when leaving the room to save energy.

Emelies family have divided food and trash into different boxes, this way it is easier to recycle.

Both, Emelie and Paula, walk to school instead of taking the car.

Emelies family are drying the clothes in the free air, instead of using a dryer.

Paula has given her friend Ellen one of her old t-shirts instead of throwing it away.

These are some simple tips on how we can contribute in saving the planet!

// Emelie and Paula-Vibyskolan

Tuesday 16 March 2010

New assignment for grade 5 at Vibyskolan - What can YOU do?

Goals to achieve for the student are:
• to know how peoples actions affect the environment and to be able to talk about once thoughts on the subject
• to know what every individuals rights an obligations are regarding the environment, and also show awareness of how you as an individual can contribute in saving and preserving our environment

The global warming is mainly caused by to much carbon dioxide discharge. In Sweden every person discharge almost six tons of carbon dioxide, divided like this:
32% transports 24% food and drink
20% sport activities and travels 16% residence
3% household and consumption 3% furniture and utensils
2% clothes and shoes

If we are going to manage to slow down the climate changes the council of Stockholm wants to reduce our personal discharges to three tons of carbon dioxide per person to the year 2015. Impossible? No, not if we all start now. It is the small changes in our every day life that has the biggest effects. Below is a list of things that you can do to reduce your discharges;

• Take the bus or the train instead of the car. That is better for the environment.
• Ride your bike or walk to school

Food and drink
• Buy food or fruit from the current season. Avoid frozen or canned food.
• Buy your food close to where you live, that way you reduce your transportation.
• Make a list before you go shopping, that way you reduce the probability of buying stuff that you don’t really need.
• Do not go out shopping for grocery when you are hungry. If you do it’s likely you will buy to much.
• Choose organic or “good for the environment”-labelled food.
• Reuse your bags to pack the food in.
• Cook vegetarian dishes. If you cut out beef from your diet once a week for a year you will avoid 50 kilos of greenhouse gases.
• Boil the water in a kettle before you put it in the saucepan. Always use a lid.

Sport activities and travels
• Choose an environmental friendly way to get to your activity
• If you need new gear, consider the possibility to buy second hand.

• Reduce the heating in your house with 1-2 degrees C.
• Check the temperature in the freezer, if it is colder than -18 degrees C, raise the temperature to -18 degrees C.
• Turn the water of. If you are going to wash the dishes, pour the water in the sink, don’t wash in running water.
• Take a quick shower instead of taking a bath.
• Change your light bulbs to low energy light bulbs. Low energy light bulbs only use about 20% of the energy that a regular light bulb uses.
• Switch the light off when you walk out of a room
• Don’t place furniture in front of radiators because that lets the heat out
• Pull down the curtains during the night; that will keep the cold out.
• Don’t let electric equipment stand on stand by. For example, don’t charge your mobile phone during the night, only until it is fully charged.
• Place a “No advertisements, please” on your mailbox, that saves on our earth resources
• Use e-mail instead of regular paper-mail
• Defrost your freezer, that saves energy

Household and consumption
• Always load your washer and dryer so that they are full before you use them.
• Dry your clothes in the sun
• Use a low temperature when you use your washing machine
• Sort your garbage and use a compost for your leftovers

Furniture and utensils/ clothes and shoes
• Recreate something that you were going to throw away
• Buy durable clothes and shoes, that way you can use them for a long time
• Instead of throwing away stuff try and sell them second hand or give them to a charity

Let this become a challenge to you and your family to take on during the following months. First and foremost, this is the students work to take on, but you decide together in your family how involved you as a family will be. The assignment is to carry out as many points as possible, a minimum is at least one point per headline. The performance shall be documented with a digital camera, and these photos, along with a text, will then be published on the blog from different students every week.
