Sunday 30 May 2010

Victor T-L

Instead of throwing things on the ground I throw it in the garbage bin.
Instead of taking the car to school I take my bike.
This summer I not going to waste away much water.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Jacob S

Use as little electricity as possible.
It`s better to sail than to go by motorboat.


I drink ecologic tea instead of

normal tea.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

I always buy ecological food instead of food that has chemicals on it, becouse it is better for the environment.

I go by bike with my friends to my soccer practice instead of taking the car.

/Daniel Larsson

Monday 24 May 2010


Tomorrow we are going to "Skansen". It is, sort of, like a zoo here in Stockholm. The zoo contains nordic animals, and we are going there to later give you in S-A a rapport about our swedish animals.


Monday 17 May 2010

Lucas F

In our garage we sort metal cans, plastic bottles and other things.
On our mailbox we have an sign "No advertising please"

We have an inductive stove at home, it is good for the environment because it takes short time to boil water.

We try to buy ecological food and drink when it is possible and if it is not to expensive. Every week when we go shopping we always do a shopping list before we go.
I walk to school in the winter and in the summer I go by bike. I only go by a car if it is something special in school or if it is bad weather.

When I go by a car to my sport activities I go with my friends, not alone. In the summer I go by bike to my soccer training.

In our freezer we had 25 degrees below zero, but now we have changed it to 18 degrees below zero. We defrost the freezer often. We cooperate with our neighbours to keep the food cold. Our radiators was 23 degrees warm but now we have changed it to 20 degrees warm. In the night I pull down the blinds so the warmth does not go out from the room.

When we wash with our washingmachine we never wash over 60 degrees warmwater and we always do it with a full machine.

When shoes and clothes have become too small we give them to relatives and friends or to an organisation.

Written by; Lucas F

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Eco blogg by Dani, Harald, My and Viktor S.

This supermarket is near by my house, it's a little bit more expensive than other supermarkets but because we don't have to go so far we save on the environment.
My dad is about to dump his car and buy a new one, instead of leaving it on the road he will dump it on the junkyard.

In Viktor's family they sort their garbage.
They sort newspappers "tidningar", and glass "glas".

In Viktor's house they fill their dishwasher completely full.

Viktor use a "bird box" to put the used batteries in.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Amelia and Robin


When it's sunshine outside then I turn my lamps off.
When I´m not playing computer then I pull out the electrical cord.


I let my hair air dry and do not use the hairdryer, that saves energy

This is a soap made in Sweden and that means that it doesn´t come from another country and released pollution when it traveled to Sweden

This is my cellphone and I've taken out the cellphone charger from the electrical outlet

Our country is full of wild animals, but tourists usually only hear about the well know ones like lion, giraffe, rhino, elephants, cheetah and leopards. Although these animals are beautiful they are not the only ones we have. So we thought it would be a good idea to research other animals and present projects on them. Then the children at Vibyskolan can learn about our huge variety of animals. We have seen most of these animals, except the ones that are really shy, in game parks. As you know we don't have wild animals just walking all over!
We are looking forward to learning more about the animals of Sweden as we don't know much about them at all.
Watch this space we are working hard on them.
Cornwall Hill Eco Club