Description: The hippo is the most dangerous animal in south Africa. They weigh [2630 kg]. They have no fur very little hair and a large barrel shaped body
Rivers and Lakes, not necessarily very deep, with pools of slow moving water and banks with good quality grazing, are the ideal conditions for Hippopotamuses.
Habits: hippos live
in herds of up to 40 individuals, consisting bull, a number of cows and their young. of one adult
Territorial fights amongst Hippos, are vicious and very often fatal. There are very few adult Hippo bulls without scars.
During the day they stay in their pools or sand banks. At night they leave the water and look for their feeding grounds, normally using always the same route.
They extremely aggressive and unpredictable animals. Very often charging other animals, passing boats and even Men.
Hippos can weigh up to 1500 Kg. and their life-span is about 50 years.
Hippos are grazers, preferring short grasses
By Xandria Gr 5
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